Jadyn Anderson has a background in car sales and management. She enjoyed her time in the industry but was looking for new opportunities with growth. From the beginning, she has perfected detailing and ceramic coating. Being a master installer with our new ION coatings she makes videos and gives out tips and tricks to other installers so they can master this skill set and succeed.
- In another life, I’m pretty sure I was…
- Gordon Ramsey because I am a great cook!
- The best piece of advice I’ve ever been given is…
- When my mother told me to not take everything so serious in life and let go.
- What is your favorite holiday?
- Halloween because I LOVE CANDY
- If I weren’t so good at my job, I’d probably…
- Still be selling cars lol
- Cats or dogs?
- Dogs, I have a 7-year-old pug named Rodger and a 3 year old rottweiler named Adonis.
- Who Inspires you?
- My grandmother, After the loss of my grandfather 13 years ago and seeing how she overcame such a tragedy and heart ache has taught me to enjoy life and not take anything for granted.
- If we held an office talent show, I’d wow everyone with my…
- My comedy skills
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