Amy Paul
Amy Paul has a background in car sales and internet sales with many luxury brands and domestic. She is an owner here at Ceramic Pro West KC and the lead paint protection film installer. She is factory trained and certified. Over the last few years, she has mastered this skill and has become one of the top installers in Kansas City.
- In another life, I’m pretty sure I was…
- A race car driver. My husband fears for his life when I am behind the wheel.
- The best piece of advice I’ve ever been given is…
- Don’t get to busy making a living that you forget to make a life.
- What is your favorite holiday?
- Christmas & Thanksgiving season. Mainly the fact that your whole family is around and enjoying time spent together.
- If I weren’t so good at my job, I’d probably…
- Be a professional napper
- Cats or dogs?
- Both. We do have a very cute shop dog. Zoey is very cute and willing to greet anyone for a love and attention.
- Who Inspires you?
- My parents hands down.
- If we held an office talent show, I’d wow everyone with my…
- My sweet dance moves
Call us today at 913-213-3373